sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2018

English language challenges

Hi everyone. I think that english is very important for us studying in university. We need to speak the language to be successful professionals. In my experience I think is very necessary to dedicate time to study the topics along the course. I think that videos are interesting, it helps you to practice talking without steadily and you have to do it again and again to avoid mistakes. Posts help us to practice our writing, it's useful but you spend a lot of time. Class activities are useful because it makes us to practice vocabulary and different ways to teach, but I think that we could have a book with a lot of this activities, for free practice in our home or in free times.
I like this subject, but I think it's necessary to have more time for practice speaking, sometimes you are afraid to speak english with other people, and you need to lose that fear. I still haven't lose that fear. I must improve my speaking, I know a lot of concepts, but I'm so insecure in the moment. Also I think I should practice verb tenses to not forget it. It's hard to practice and dedicate time toghether with the other subjects but I can practice doing exercises on Internet.
This is the last post, good luck everyone!

jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

Changes to my study program

Hello everyone, first I will talk about english at university. I think that this faculty needs implementing more English courses, because after finishing English 4 we will need to practice talking and write the things that we learn, we don't have to forget these things. It's necessary to talk with someone every week for don't lose the practice. I think english is very important in daily life, even if we live in a country where people speak spanish. English in university is important because sometimes we have to read english texts or learn specifics words in english related with the subject. If you want to go student exchange, you need to speak english in te most of the cases. In my case, I would like to study a postgraduate couse abroad and I will need to speak a write englsih very well.
Now I'm going to talk about some general things that I would like to change at university. This semester I take the subject Environmental Physics, and I see a lot of wrong things. I think this is a very important subject in the career and each topic in the course could be separated from the others, because every topic talks about contamination, and we need to take special atenttion in either one. 
Also I would like to mention some changes in facilities. In this faculty is necesary to have more study spaces, like a bigger library, and more study rooms. We need a computer room available all the time, with printer for the students, with limited impressions. What do you think about this changes?

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Personal opinions

Hey! Today I'm going to talk about a personal opinion. I would like to talk about soil as a resource. Do you know something about this? Now I have a subject in which I'm learning about this interesting topic. In Chile there aren't politics that protect this resource. Along the years, soil has been exploited, eroded and degradaded. The farmers can decide the way in that they use their lands because there aren't laws that says otherwise. This isn't right. In case of Petorca, an avocado tree needs 300 litres of water, big farmers steal water from rivers and groundwater, producing drought in the area. I'm not agree to this fatal way to erode the soil, this is our propety and we can't permit this continue happening, there must be regulation urgently. 
Since 2005 until 2010 woods plantation increased 188.000 hectares only with foreign trees like Pino and Eucalipto, destroying more than 27.000 hectares of native trees a year like Espino, Litre, Quillay, Algarrobo among others. This foreign trees consume a lot of water and bring bad consequences to the soil. The state says "The use of land is defined by its greater profitability" I think that is a wrong thought and a very bad politic. Only businessmen in the government have our control and our lands. They don't understand that the soil can arrive to the point of no return and we can lost it permanently.  

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018

Environmental Conflicts

Hi everyone. Today I'm going to talk about some environmental problems in our country. Firstly, I think that the environmental problem in Quintero it's a very serious situation, it had to be solved months ago. Sometimes I wonder, Why is so hard resolved the problem? Why is so difficult removed the company from that place? It's not fair that this people live in those conditions. It should not be legal. It isn't healthy because everything is totally contaminated. I'm totally sure that this is a political problem, and we have to start for this if we want to solve the root of the problem and futures problems. Up to what point we have to arrive to stop the damage that we produce to the planet? Laws has to be changed, it has to benefit to the population of our country over the companies interest. Does the economy more important than our territory and population? I know the answer but I think that government doesn't think the same.
In other topic I would like to talk about something I see today (and I see it all days but today I reflect on this). When I was in the bus, coming to the university, I see a lot of rubbish along Santa Rosa street. It was a lot! It makes me sad and I think, what should we do to eliminate this? I think about implement obligatory environmental education in the school, because is very necesary and sometimes children theach his parents and families. We should make a change early in a person life. What do you think about this?

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018

Post graduate studies

After finish my career I would like to take a master. I would like to study for two to three years. Now I don't know what I want to specialize in. I have different options, one of that is in Chile. I would like to take a master in Physical and Mathematics Science Faculty of the University of Chile. There's two Masters that take my attention; Resources and Water Environment and Environment and Sustainability. Another option is out of the country. I would like to take a Master in Environmental Economy in Denmark. I like numbers and I would like to learn about sustainability and economy. My main objective is to find the way in that companies are ecofriendly without losing their profit. 
I would like to study as soon as I finished my career, because I really like to learn, I'll be young and I'll have energy. But there's a big problem, study a postgrade is very expensive and that means it will be difficult to study. I would like to win a studentship and I will make an effort to win it. 
If I study in Denmark, I want to come back to Chile, I think is important to make changes and work here (and also I will miss a lot my family). 

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

My future job

It was very difficult to me to choose a career. When I was in my last year of school I was very lost about taking decisions. I dind't now what I wanted to be in the future. I wanted to be occupacional therapist, but I was always interested in enviromental problems, take care of enviroment. I always tried to raise awareness about the topic. It's difficult in the country in that we live. Last year I went to study the wrong career, but I realized in time. This year I chose this carrer full of doubts, but I'm also full of hope.
I would like  to take a master in enviromental economy in Denmark when I finish my career, because these country is very advanced in this topic.
I would like to work reducing the enviromental impact that man produces in the planet. I would like to work in differents company helping to reduce the waste generated. I would like to work in ONG related to the topic. Finally, when I feel like an experienced women, I would really like to work in public politics, in Ministerio del Medio Ambiente. I would like to change many things in Chile. I hope to be well paid in the far future, when I progress as a professional.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018

Video games

Hellooo, today I'm not an expert on this post, I'm not so close with this topic, honestly I don't play video games usually. All I know about video games is for my brother. He plays war games, zombie games, football games, fighting games (Mortal Kombat, that is the only game I know, and I like it🗡), among others. 
If I had to choose video games, it would be Super Mario games. I reaaally like this kind of games. I like the colors and the characters, I always choose princess peach in Mario Kart, althrough I always lose. I like to play it on the computer, on nintendo, on playstation. Last time I play one of this video games was on Wii U with some friends, it was sooo funny.
When I play video games, I get very nervous, I move my body with the control if I have to jump or if I have to go to the right. It's funny to see me. 
That was all for today, I see you soon!

English language challenges

Hi everyone. I think that english is very important for us studying in university. We need to speak the language to be successful profess...